USA Raisin carry-out estimate
The USA (Californian) Raisin carry out is expected to be around 93,163 imperial tones, a decrease of 17,430 tones from last year. Year on Year (Jan-Dec) shipment figures and estimates are expected to be around 14.5%, with December-to-December month on month comparisons also being down by 20.7%. This shows a lower demand for USA raisins this year so far and is also down to market price increases. 2021 compared to 2022 carry overs compared to total opening inventory figures are almost identical, with carry over stocks for both years representing 31.5% of their total opening season inventories.
Across the market we would all hope that prices begin to fall in light of the 15.8% decrease in total shipments (estimated). Prices for USA goods have been on the rise over the last year, especially with weather issues in various regions such as California.