Turkish Vine Fruit, Market Report
Raw Material (Pagmat)
2022 crop registration of raw materials at the bourse reached 323thd MT as of the end of May 2023 which is 11% higher than the previous crop's 260thd MT of the same period. Registered volume has already exceeded 2022's unofficial crop estimation of 320thd tons due to 3 TMO's (Turkish Grain Board} intervention purchasing. As we have still two months until the new crop it is likely that the total; registration will be over the estimation figure.
2022 crop exports
As of the third week of June 2023, the dried grape export quantity reached to 215thd MT which Is 2% higher than the 2021 crop's 210thd MT of the same week of previous year. However, the unit average export price has decreased by 4.4% of last year. Top ten countries on the right chart imported 82% of the total volume.
Top five countries that Turkey has exported so far are: UK (53,5thd MT), Netherlands (26,5thd MT), Germany (26,4thd MT), Italy {14,3thd MT) and France {13,5thd MT). Compared to the 2021 season, we see a volume increase of 37% for Netherlands, 4% for France and 1% for UK while Germany decreased its volume by 12%, Italy by 16%.