Turkish Sultanas Export Figures update...
Pleas find the latest export figure details from our partner Ozgur
CLICK HERE for export figures ( yearly / weekly ) of crop 2014 in PDF format >>Ozgur Export Report - 09.07.15<<
As of 04.07.2015, the exported quantity have reached 223.977 mt with an average price of 1.791 usd / ton.
Last year (2013 crop) during the same period of time the exported quantity was 152.232 mt with an average price of 2.550 usd / ton.
On a "weekly basis" , during the Calendar Week (CW) 27, 2015 (last week) ; 4.368 mt was exported with a weekly average price of usd 1.789 / ton.
During the Calender Week (CW) 27, 2014 ; 3.764 mt was shipped with a weekly average price of 2.256 usd / ton.
Enclosed you will find the export figures ( yearly / weekly ) of crop 2014.