Sesame - New Crop Market Update 31.10.23
The sesame seed market in India is expected to be bullish this year, as the main crop is gradually arriving and the total crop is predicted to be around 125-150 metric tons.
However, there are some quality problems with the crop, as low and irregular rainfall in the growing regions of Rajasthan has caused about 35-40% of the crop to be of lower quality.
In addition, the Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation has announced a new sesame seed tender, which is expected to further boost demand for sesame seeds.
Given the bullish market outlook, buyers should be prepared to pay higher prices for sesame seeds. However, they should also be careful to purchase from reputable suppliers to avoid quality problems.
Here is a summary of the key points from the article:
- The sesame seed market in India is expected to be bullish this year.
- The total crop in India is predicted to be around 125-150 metric tons.
- There are some quality problems with the crop, as low and irregular rainfall has caused about 35-40% of the crop to be of lower quality.
- The Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation has announced a new sesame seed tender, which is expected to further boost demand for sesame seeds.
- Buyers should be prepared to pay higher prices for sesame seeds and purchase from reputable suppliers to avoid quality problems.