Date: 16th May 2024

Sultana and Raisin Market Report - 16/05/2024

Current Crop This week the TMO agreed the sale of its remaining 2022 crop to packers, traders, and the alcohol industry. With pricing underneath current market levels the circa 8,000mt available wasn’t going to go particularly far in alleviating raw material availability issues. To emphasise exactly how much the market is short of current crop […]

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Date: 15th May 2024

California Almond Market Report: April 2023 Shipments Surge, Supply Tightens

California Surprises with Strong April Shipments California almond shipments defied expectations in April, reaching the second-highest level ever for the month at 241.48 million lbs. This represents a significant 22.4% increase compared to April 2022 (197.26 million lbs). Exports Drive Growth The surge in shipments was largely driven by robust export markets, particularly: India: Up […]

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Date: 3rd May 2024

Seeds Market Outlook 03/05/2024

Flaxseed – A decision has finally been made and Kazakh flaxseed will be able to continue being transported through Russia to the EU without any import duties. The original proposal consisted of a phasing rule being applied. 10% import duty until end of 2024, 20% import duty during 2025, and 50% import duty from 2026 […]

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Date: 3rd May 2024

Coconut Market Outlook 03/05/2024

Coconut Market Update 03/05/2024 A relentless heatwave is reaching unprecedented levels in Asia. Across the region, Governments are sounding alarms as temperatures soar to hazardous heights. Thailand for example, is facing scorching temperatures surpassing 42 degrees Celsius, with some areas experiencing staggering highs of up to 52 degrees Celsius. This extreme heatwave isn’t isolated to […]

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Date: 1st May 2024

Sesame Seed Market Outlook 01/05/2024

India stands at the forefront of sesame seed production, with Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh leading the charge. Gujarat, known for its substantial white sesame yields, is expected to generate between 175,000 and 200,000 metric tons. However, varying weather conditions might lead to a decrease in production. Meanwhile, Andhra Pradesh is set to contribute significantly, with […]

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Date: 29th April 2024

Banana Market Outlook 29.04.2024

The effects of El Nino in the first quarter of this year were expected to be worse than they currently are, resulting in supply potentially getting tighter. We are now at a stage where farmers are demanding payment upfront and in turn so to are suppliers, thus stretching payment terms thin putting pressure on costs. […]

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Date: 26th April 2024

Tropical Fruit Market Report (26.04.2024)

Summary: This report provides a brief overview of the market conditions for four tropical fruits: pineapple, papaya, mango, and coconut. Pineapple: Supply: Daily supply has decreased significantly after the Songkran holidays (April 13-18, 2024), dropping from 2,500-3,000 metric tons (mt) per day to just 2,000 mt per day. Price: Prices have risen due to the […]

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Date: 23rd April 2024

Seed Market Outlook 23.04.24

The Sterling weakened this week to the lowest levels since November 2023 following last week's strong data from the USA. With signs the US economy is stronger and more resilient than expected, markets anticipate that high-interest rates may persist for longer than originally forecasted.  

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Date: 22nd April 2024

Cashew Market Report 22.04.24

The market in cashews is again much firmer this week. SOUPARNIKA has seen some very good demand from Japan and Europe and shipments for June through November are also being bid on. Indications for regular raw seed are hard to find, and our supplier is struggling to get any firm offers. During the past two […]

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Date: 19th April 2024

Coconut Market Report 19.04.24

The supply chain and pricing dynamics of agricultural commodities across Asia, particularly in the coconut industry, are facing several notable challenges. The impact of El Niño has been particularly disruptive, leading to severe shortages in raw coconut supplies from key regions such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. This scarcity has intensified competition among […]

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