Date: 10th June 2024

Dried Figs Market Report 10.06.24

The dried fig sector has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven by increasing consumer awareness of the numerous health benefits and versatile culinary applications of dried figs. As a nutrient-dense superfood, they have become a popular choice among health-conscious consumers and food enthusiasts alike. This surge in demand is reflected in the expanding market […]

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Date: 10th June 2024

Diabetes Awareness Week 2024

Diabetes Awareness Week is a crucial time dedicated to spreading knowledge, encouraging proactive health management, and supporting those affected by diabetes. This week serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding diabetes, recognising its impact, and taking steps towards better health and well-being. Understanding Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the […]

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Date: 7th June 2024

Chickpeas Update 07.06.24

The combination of high prices and strong demand for kabulis has proved an enticing prospect for Russian farmers over the recent years. 2023 was a particularly good year, and 2024 could see even more growth. The recent suspension of import tariffs on Desi chickpeas by the Indian government means that kabuli chickpeas could become even […]

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Date: 6th June 2024

Macadamias Market Report 06.06.24

The second quarter of the year is crucial to the global macadamia industry as this is when South Africa and Australia's crop enters the market. These two countries combined represent a whopping 44% of the expected 2024 production worldwide. Guatemala will begin to ship at this time as well, but the harvesting will be over […]

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Date: 6th June 2024

Pea Crop Report 06.06.24

To recap the 2023 crop, there is only a small volume of Marrowfat peas left. Due to poor-yielding crop in both 2022 and 2023, there is not much availability left. 2024 will need to be a much better year for the industry so that growers can make a profit and encourage them to keep growing […]

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Date: 5th June 2024

Cranberry and Blueberry Crop Report 05.06.24

Cranberries The condition of cranberry fields shows some signs of damage with stems turning orange. This is most likely due to the limited snow coverage that melted a lot earlier than usual during spring. The cranberries are currently in their most fragile phase - the elongation stage. Should temperatures drop below 1°C it is imperative […]

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Date: 4th June 2024

Chinese Sultanas Market Update 04.06.24

With prices for sultanas from Turkey being very high, more and more customers are turning to Chinese origin as a cheaper alternative. The increased market activity has encouraged Chinese farmers to dry more of their grapes into sultana raisins to capitalise on the new interest. The new crop yield is estimated to increase from 50,000 […]

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Date: 4th June 2024

Almond Crop Progress Report 04.06.24

Weather Temperatures have been mild and breezy across the Central Valley area in May. A final spring-time storm made an appearance in the first week of the month and dropped some rain, but overall dry skies have persisted. Some orchard activities were complicated by wind blowing through the valley (10-20 mph) during this time. With […]

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Date: 3rd June 2024

Vine and Tree Fruit Market Report 03.06.24

Vine Fruits Sultanas and Raisins There is a 90% decrease in crop deliveries to processors compared to the year before, at 167,000 MT opposed to 317,000 MT in 2023. It's estimated that the volume of the 2023 crop will reach around 200,000 MT which is in line with what was said at the start of […]

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