No decision on draft Regulation reducing MRLs for iprodione
At the Standing Committee on 26/27 February, the European Commission and Member States discussed a draft Regulation which will reduce MRLs for iprodione.
Unfortunately, Member States couldn’t agree on the scope of the transitional period because there is a risk of high exposure of consumers to iprodione via certain crops – some crops may exceed the acute reference dose (ARfD). Therefore, it was agreed that the Commission will ask EFSA to assess which are the crops with exceedances and these crops will be exempted from the future transitional period.
Therefore, the Commission and Member States will have another exchange on this draft Regulation which may take place at the June Standing Committee meeting or via emails before that. After the final draft is agreed, it will be notified to the WTO and non-EU countries will be allowed to comment on it during a two-month period. The final vote on the draft Regulation will take place afterwards.
The Commission doesn’t want to rush with the vote on this Regulation because this case will serve as a precedent for similar cases in future.
More details on the discussion will be published in the report of the Standing Committee in the upcoming weeks.