Market Update: Quinoa
The quinoa harvest is in full swing in South America. Prices have somewhat recovered after reaching historic lows. There is news of a significant reduction in white quinoa planting in Peru. Many growers have opted for red quinoa instead. Many expect the price for white quinoa (the most consumed variety) to rise and red quinoa to drop.
Overall, some growing zones in Peru are reporting a 15-20% reduction in area under cultivation. The main reason is that production costs, in particular inputs such as fertilizers, have risen sharply while quinoa market prices have decreased.
However, growers only had other planting options in parts of Peru. In the highlands, there are not many alternatives. Bolivia has seen a similar reduction in area under cultivation but still has more white quinoa carry-over stocks. The weather has been quite good since planting concluded in November. Only at the beginning of the year the growers in Peru and Bolivia report too dry conditions raising concerns about the quality and use of pesticides.