GWS Pumpkin Seed Market Update
Grown Without Shell Pumpkin Seeds Update
2018 Crop
- 2018 Crop was estimated at 10,000-12,000 mt.
- Carry out from 2017 was 6,000-8,000 mt, and total supply was 16,000-20,000 mt.
- Grown Without Shell Pumpkin seed is 100% used in EU and other export markets, this high demand has prompted the price increase.
2019 Crop
- This years (2019) crop estimated 4,000-6,000 mt.
- Due to low level sales, the average cost is estimated to be reduced significantly (Rumors of 40% less).
- Carry out for new crop will be 5,000-6,000 mt. An estimated total supply will be 9,000-12,000 mt. However, this is thought to be enough quantity for the market required.
- Grown Without Shell pricing is thought to be stable across the year.