Divine fruit - The Fig
Story of the fig begins with Adam and Eve and it was considered to be a divine fruit, the fruit of paradise, in all religions. It was the symbol of abundance. The idiom “sitting under his own fig tree” is said to be used widely in ancient tribes as a sign of wealth.
It is the first fruit mentioned in the Bible and according to some clergy the forbidden fruit is the fig and not the apple. The existence of the fig, together with the grapevine and olives in Nature in the holy lands and the abundance it provides make it the divine fruit in all religions.
In the Bible, land with no figs and vines is referred to as not valuable, and it is mentioned that the disciples of Moses had introduced abundance with the fig, together with other fruit. It is also stated that the fruit of the first crop, June, is very good and the other buds develop to form the real crop. In addition to its use in cakes and similar food products, the fig is also reported as being used as mush in treating infected wounds.
In many sources there is the story about Jesus Christ coming across a fig tree while walking near Jerusalem. Not being able to find a ripened fig despite the abundance of leaves, the prophet is believed to have said “Thou will not bear any more fruit” after which the tree wilted and dried up. In some sources, however, this story is interpreted as a metaphor and is argued that the fig tree represents a nation, a tribe.