Chilean Prunes, Market Update, August 2023

Date: 31st August 2023 Category: Latest News
Chilean Prunes, Market Update, August 2023

In 2022, Chile exported dried plums worth $256 million USD, making it the world's leading exporter of prunes.

The global dried plum industry has undergone some adjustments in recent years in order to stabilize supply and demand. This has resulted in a healthier balance in the market. The major players in the industry are Chile, California, and France.

Key Trends

There are a number of key trends that are shaping the Chilean dried plum market in 2023. These include:

  • Continued growth in Chinese imports: China is the leading importer of Chilean dried plums, and its imports have been growing steadily in recent years. This trend is expected to continue in 2023.
  • Increased interest from Russia: Russia is another important market for Chilean dried plums. Imports from Russia have increased in recent months, as the country has recovered from the conflict with Ukraine.
  • Shift in buyer behavior: Buyers are becoming more focused on acquiring Chilean dried plums that meet their immediate short-term needs. This is in contrast to previous years, when buyers were more likely to make purchases based on past trends.



Market Outlook

The Chilean dried plum market is expected to remain strong in 2023. The continued growth of key markets, such as China and Russia, will be a major driver of growth. Additionally, the shift in buyer behavior is likely to benefit the market, as buyers become more focused on acquiring Chilean dried plums that meet their immediate needs.

The Chilean dried plum market is in a healthy state in 2023. The continued growth of key markets and the shift in buyer behavior are expected to benefit the market in the coming year.