Shipping Update - December 2021

As we are all aware, there is a global shipping ”crisis”. This has affected every corner of the globe, as a result from a lack of containers, ships getting stuck in the Suez Canal and much more. We have seen a huge increase in shipping costs across all industries due to no change in demand […]

Published: 3rd December 2021

Turkish Sultana Market Update

We have seen limited trading over the last week for Turkish Sultanas given the increase in price due to the Turkish Lira and US Dollar exchange rate. This may well result in the price being reduced in the near future if we continue to see a lack of demand form the market. Between the 21st […]

Published: 30th November 2021

Turkish Fig Market Update

The market has seen quality issues between lowland crop and mountain crop lately – as we are all aware. Over the last few days, we have seen significant price increases for good quality produce. Growers are struggling to supple larger crop currently, and so the price has increased. Between the 21st of November and 27th […]

Published: 30th November 2021

Turkish Apricot Market Update

In the last week, we saw an increase in price for Apricots from Turkey, due to a high increase in demand along with a scarce supply from growers. The Turkish Lira has recently become very weak against the US Dollar, resulting in Turkish Growers and exporters looking at increasing their pricing. This has all resulted […]

Published: 30th November 2021

Brazil Nuts - November Market Update

We have seen the market begin to become more volatile with new crop being introduced. Good volumes of business have already been secured for February through to May. With packers that are prepared to offer forward shipments, February positions have been filled. Customers with packer specific requirements should consider buying forward as some packers are […]

Published: 30th November 2021

Cashew Nuts - November Market Update

There have been no significant changes over the last week in the Cashew market, although the volatility in the USD rate has had some impact on pricing for various players. Colombia has seen heavier than usual rain falls which could lead to slight delays in crop flowering, however this is a minor concern at this […]

Published: 30th November 2021

Pecan Market Update

The 2021/2021 harvest is underway but with many challenges to overcome. We are seeing at present a 2-week delay in crop harvest, and that the crop yield is much lower than expected. The only significant commercial availability arises from Mexico. The larger inshell accumulators who buy form the 1000s of small growers are holding the […]

Published: 24th November 2021

Turkish Apricot Market Update

Between the 1st of August and 10th of November 34,519,628 Tonnes of dried Apricots were exported from Turkey – 2,454,210 more than the same time last season. Last season, around 32million Tonnes were shied in this period, this shows how strong the demand currently is for Apricots. We can’t foresee Apricot prices coming down anytime […]

Published: 23rd November 2021

Turkish Fig Market Update

Significant price increases for better quality material due to the low yield of good quality Figs. We advise on purchasing dried figs sooner rather than later if required as demand is quickly consuming the low amount in supply, reducing availability day by day. Between the 14th and 20th of November 1,932,892 Tonnes of dried Figs […]

Published: 23rd November 2021

Turkish Sultana Market Update

Limited trading in Izmir with a slight increase in raw material prices, resulting in very low sales. Between the 14th and 20th of November 5,364 Tonnes of Sultanas were exported from Turkey. Between the 1st of September and 20th of November, 68,005 Tonnes of new crop Sultanas were exported from Turkey – a 459 Tonne […]

Published: 23rd November 2021