Brazilnut Market Update - January 2022

New crop collection has now started being harvested and so far, seems to be a greater yield that last season. The labour situation in Bolivia remains unchanged, with many farmers and packers facing personnel shortages, which have mainly been caused by Covid. Spot purchasing remains strong with limited availability and has resulted in increased pricing. […]

Published: 24th January 2022

Turkish Economy / Lira - Brief Update January 2022

The general consensus is that most, if not all packers, are purchasing raw material hand to mouth. Turmoil in the Turkish economy has created uncertainty and lack of credibility in their currency. When inflation topped 21% in November, President Erdogan pressed Turkeys central bank to cut interest rates by five percentage points to 14%. In […]

Published: 24th January 2022

USA Raisin carry-out estimate

The USA (Californian) Raisin carry out is expected to be around 93,163 imperial tones, a decrease of 17,430 tones from last year. Year on Year (Jan-Dec) shipment figures and estimates are expected to be around 14.5%, with December-to-December month on month comparisons also being down by 20.7%. This shows a lower demand for USA raisins […]

Published: 21st January 2022

USA Almond carry-out estimate

The USA Almond carry out is expected to be roughly 900 million pounds (lbs), a 300 million pound increase in comparison to 2020 carry over. This along with news of the shipping reports has led to market pricing decrease further than expected recently. A strong market prediction in November 2021 was that pricing may reduce […]

Published: 20th January 2022

USA Walnut carry-out estimate

We are continuing to see Walnut prices fall, as we predict a total of over 177,000 tons carry over in August 2022. This represents 30% of the total sales for the year. This astonishing figure comes as the highest carry our prediction on record and is set to drive pricing lower further into 2022. Packers […]

Published: 20th January 2022

December Walnut Market Report

In December 2021, we saw Californian crop receipts by 21,146 tones, totaling 691,146 tones. Estimated marketable supply as of December 2021 was 531,668 in shell tones. This exceeds the total marketable supply of 2020 by around 15,000 tones. Looking at the current position across the industry, despite a smaller 2021 crop and slower shipments to […]

Published: 19th January 2022

Its National Popcorn Day!

Will you be watching a film today with the world’s favourite movie snack? Butterfly Popcorn Kernels now in stock at Chelmer Foods, call now to order!

Published: 19th January 2022

Favoured Cashews - Selling Fast!

Check out our Baked Hot Chili and Baked Black Pepper Cashews! They're going fast, get your order in now to ensure you don't miss out!

Published: 18th January 2022

Brief Seed market update - January 2022

2021 saw a difficult year for seed trading across the industry. We hope that 2022 will show some ease in comparison, however with demand being higher than usual over the festival period, we fear that pricing will increase even further. Import regulation from the EU has meant that shipping companies have had to increase their […]

Published: 14th January 2022

South African Crop Harvest - 2022

The South African crop processing has now started across many regions, and so far we have seen a healthy crop yield estimate. The Orange river region has had plenty of rain fall over the course of the year, and has led to a healthy, high moisture crop. This may well lead to crop taking a […]

Published: 14th January 2022