Brief Pistachio Market Update – February 2022

To date, we have seen Iran’s Pistachio exports fall by 12% in comparison to this time last year. This has been described as a miracle given that the production has fallen significantly more than this figure. It is predicted that the availability will become worse throughout 2022, as new crop growth has been largely affected […]

Published: 8th February 2022

Peanut Market Update – February 2022

2022 Argentinean peanut crop has been developing well so far given the local climate. Hot weather and drought conditions a be a farmer’s worst nightmare, however these conditions have proven to be beneficial to new crop growth. Soil moisture is very low in regions that have seen the worst of drought conditions, leaving many farmers […]

Published: 8th February 2022

Brief Sesame Seed Market Update – February 2022

Nigeria 2021 Nigerian Crop was estimated to be around 180,000 tons, with 100,000 tons now having been sold. China have been a large-scale player in Sesame pricing, as bulk purchasing by Chinese importers has driven pricing up. Sudan Due to various political issues, Sudan is struggling to export their stocks. It is estimated that around […]

Published: 4th February 2022

Turkish Dried Fruit - Brief Market Update/shipping report Jan 2022

Turkish crop registration in December 2021 saw 204,000 tons. This is a 19% decrease from last years figure of 252,000 tons. This much lower volume has resulted in many growers increasing their prices. This in turn with the Turkish Lira volatility has led to a strong hesitation to buy in the past months. We are […]

Published: 4th February 2022

Pumpkin Seed Market Update

We are soon to see the start of the Chinese New Year celebrations where many factories will close temporarily. We have already begun to see farms and processing plants in China close in preparation for the festivities – This has led to a trade stand still in supply for the domestic and international market. The […]

Published: 28th January 2022

Poppy Seed Market Update

Exports in November and December 2021 from the Czech Republic have increased, and the total amount of 2021 crop has almost exceeded that of the previous season. The domestic market in the Czech Republic remains slow, but developing none the less after the festive period. Cleaning plants have now also reopened, awaiting the years trade […]

Published: 28th January 2022

Cashew Nut Market Update

Vietnamese Cashew nut production will become quieter for the next 10 days as we enter the Tet Holiday period. Most factories have either finished up or will do by the end of Friday the 28th of January for the holiday season. Business on W240 is slow at present, with little demand at current pricing. Vietnamese […]

Published: 28th January 2022

Chilean Prune Market Update

In the next few weeks, we will start to see harvest and drying of 2022 crop prunes. This is expected to last until the end of March. New crop yield is expected to be 65-70,000 tons, which an average size. A lack of carry over from 2021 crop is expected to keep prices high as […]

Published: 26th January 2022

Macadamia Nut Market Update - January 2022

Most growers are waiting to see how the 2022 crop will fare and are eager to predict new crop yield. Most purchases in origin have been covered and local spot purchasing stocks are being evaluated to see whether these are enough to cover demands until July/August 2022 when new crop will arrive in Europe. New […]

Published: 24th January 2022

Pecan Nut Market Update - January 2022

USA: New crop harvest has been further delayed due to rain causing difficulties entering fields with machinery to harvest. Growers in the USA are almost at a point whereby they will be able to evaluate the new crop yield however this has proven difficult to do given the weather. First indicators from growers are that […]

Published: 24th January 2022