Hazelnut Brief Market Update – March 2022

Over the weekend, Turkey saw some frosty conditions in many parts of the country. Most growing regions do not seem to be massively affected directly, although there is some concern for regions of less than 200m in altitude. Some areas had some snow fall, which settled for a short period of time before melting and […]

Published: 15th March 2022

Walnut Market Update – March 2022

In the USA, the February walnut shipment figure was 62,014 tons. Against last years figure of 6,604 tons, this shows a decrease of less than 1%. So far for 2021 crop, the industry is reported to have shipped 373,645 tons, compared to the same time last year of 2020 crop of 457,524 tons. This shows […]

Published: 11th March 2022

Cashew Nut Market Update - March 2022

Demand for Cashews and nuts in general has been fueled by strong retail performance, as consumers look for health boosting foods – of which Cashews are one. The current low pricing environment has supported the demand and is likely to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This presents an upside to potential to […]

Published: 10th March 2022

Apricot Brief Market Update – March 2022

February 2022 saw a total of 5,797 tons of Apricot exported from Turkey, up from January’s figure of 5,337 tons by a total of 460 tons. February 2021 saw 7,357 tons exported, this shows a decrease of 1,560 tons – this shows the vast decrease in ability to supply and demand at present in the […]

Published: 7th March 2022

Turkish Vine Fruit Market Update – March 2022

Turkish Vine Fruit registrations saw 246,000 tons at the end of February. This is 13% lower than the 2020 crop figure of 282,000 tons. The unofficial estimation of total crop is 290,000 tons. So far, it seems that 85% of crop has changed hands. End of February export figure form Turkey to date was 130,000 […]

Published: 4th March 2022

Brief Linseed Market Update – March 2022

The Linseed Market has become a little easier over the past couple of weeks, with many looking to move stocks out of Ukraine – meaning there will be more of a supply in the market. Pricing is expected to become firmer or potentially move upwards further into 2022, and of course may well with a […]

Published: 3rd March 2022

Brief Sesame Seed Market Update – March 2022

Sesame seed pricing has moved upwards considerably over the last few weeks. This comes after most premium quality stocks are depleted. As a result of not so greater stock, the time and effort taken to produce one full container load is taking around three times as long. As in other supply chains, freight prices are […]

Published: 3rd March 2022

Cashew Nut Market Update – March 2022

The Cashew Nut market has been relatively quiet for some time, with main activity coming from India, which has been proving vital for the operations of packers in Vietnam. Low demand has been putting pressure on the price of Cashews to move downwards, however many growers/processors have been hesitant to do this, as they well […]

Published: 3rd March 2022

Californian Almond Market Update – March 2022

Over the last week, California saw large amounts of frost, which we all know is bad for crop. Farmers have been taking measures to mitigate any damage, however, it is feared that this hasn't been much use. The full extent of damage caused by the frost will not be known for at least another couple […]

Published: 2nd March 2022

Brief Poppy seed Market Update – March 2022

As usual, the pre-Easter period remains quiet. Some farmers have postponed cleaning seeds in anticipation of better pricing in the months to come. We will start to see farmers cleaning their seed as the market begins to strengthen or as the market’s demand depletes the amount of stock currently held by distributors. Sowing areas are […]

Published: 2nd March 2022