Chinese Walnut Crop and Market Report

CROP At the China International Tree Nut Conference held in zhuhai, China from 1 – 3, August, the subjective Walnut Crop estimate this year has been set by the Representing Councils at an estimate of 830,000 metric tonnes. Representatives from the regions of Yunnan, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, Gamsu, Henan and Shaanxi have reported the crop […]

Published: 7th August 2018

Officially, the Turkish 2018 dried apricots crop size has been estimated 89.318 tons

Officially, the Turkish 2018 dried apricots crop size has been estimated 89.318 tons. According to our research we expect about 100.000 tons. With the carry over stocks , we believe that we have enough fruit quantity wise. Although there will be no problem with the availability of the product ,  quality may be an issue; […]

Published: 2nd August 2018

Prospects for the 2018 Greek Currants crop

Drying of the 2018 Currants crop will commence next week in certain regions, slightly earlier than the average of recent seasons. This week, we visited our Greek suppliers, to assess the scale of the damage caused by recent adverse weather conditions Heavy rainfall in some of the main growing areas during the second half of […]

Published: 2nd August 2018

Georgia pecan crop

The Georgia pecan crop for the coming year looks to be a good one. Desirable pecans suffered a worse than expected early nut drop, however volumes are expected to remain stable. Stuarts continue to look strong. On the downside heavy rain and moisture has increased disease and insect pressure requiring increased spraying to control the […]

Published: 30th July 2018

Californian Walnut Crop growers & packers estimate

On Monday 23rd of July 2018 Californian Walnut growers and packers estimated the new crop to be 691.000 short tons for the 2018  Walnut new crop. This is lower than last years estimation of 699.000 short tons. But higher than last years production of about 630.000 short tons. Last year’s crop size was 627,000 tons.  This estimate […]

Published: 25th July 2018

Turkish Hazelnuts update

We remain in the transition period between 2017 crop and soon to be available 2018 crop. Trade is thin as most shippers prefer to wait till 2018 crop is physically available before setting prices. 2017 crop is still available at 20.5 TL a price which hasn’t changed for the last three months. New crop should […]

Published: 24th July 2018

Turkish Sultanas Market update July 2018

The Turkish Sultana market has shown some weakness in the last week due to some traders offering material across the market to packers, given activity and availability has been negligible in the last few weeks this unexpected move has led to raw material prices falling slightly. The export price has held somewhat firm due to […]

Published: 20th July 2018

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds market report can be viewed here >> Sunflower Seed 16.7.18 <<

Published: 17th July 2018

Californian Raisins - June shipments

JUNE SHIPMENTS UK shipments of Californian Raisins for June 2018 are down 86% against June 2017. Only 115mt were shipped in the month of June against 825mt from the previous year! The Raisin Administrative Commitee June 2018 shipment report of Natural (sun-dried) Seedless (NS) Raisins shows that domestic shipments (including Canada) were 10,806 packed tons, compared to 17,715 tons in 2017 (-39%). Year-to-date […]

Published: 17th July 2018

Cashew Nuts

Chelmer Foods is now importing and supplying Cashew Nuts The cashew market has been taking an upwards turn now after it recently hit bottom, many factories have gone under as there is no liquidity available in the market, good kernel quality is still very difficult to come by. Shippers have now come back to renegotiate […]

Published: 13th July 2018