News on Turkish VS Californian Raisins

There has been obvious discussion recently covering raisins, specifically Turkish. It has been highlighted that the United Kingdom are not favourable of Californian raisins due to there large premium. However, with Californian Raisin prices equaling out with Turkeys Raisin prices, it is worth considering that customers in the United Kingdom may considering running back to […]

Published: 2nd August 2019

Walnut Market Update

News is in that the walnut crop is progressing nicely. It is predicted by most industry experts that the crop will be between 680,000-710,000 tons. The California Walnut Handlers held a meeting where discussions and estimates were submitted with regards to their on crop, when collated together it was an estimated of  691,000 tons of […]

Published: 31st July 2019

Pumpkin Seed Market Update

Pumpkin Seed The total planted area of Shine Skin Pumpkin Seeds has been recorded as reduced by 20-30% in 2019. However, due to good weather conditions in North East China there is a chance that the new crop production could be of similar quantities as the 2018 crop. Although this good news, the 2018 crop […]

Published: 30th July 2019

New Crop Fig Update

The harvest of Figs is estimated to not start for another 3 weeks and a second harvest will take place in the second half of August for the lowland orchards, and early September for mountain figs. It has been said that the number of figs per branch seems higher than last year, typically there should be […]

Published: 29th July 2019

Dried Apricot New Crop Market Update

News is in across this week that dried Apricot new crop is of a good quantity. The new crop has been recorded as a minimum of 3 weeks delay due to the cool weather during the ripening and drying period. There are big disputes with regards to the crop size and quality. Most farmers are […]

Published: 23rd July 2019

Pecan Market Update

Current Market Conditions Shipments have continued at a steady rate though Q3. It is apparent that many Buyers are favoring purchasing on a spot basis rather than contracting across the remainder of the year. Prices have steadied or strengthened depending on the size of the kernel with halves displaying limited availability in the majority of […]

Published: 23rd July 2019

GWS Pumpkin Seed Market Update

Grown Without Shell Pumpkin Seeds Update 2018 Crop  2018 Crop was estimated at 10,000-12,000 mt. Carry out from 2017 was 6,000-8,000 mt, and total supply was 16,000-20,000 mt. Grown Without Shell Pumpkin seed is 100% used in EU and other export markets, this high demand has prompted the price increase. 2019 Crop  This years (2019) […]

Published: 19th July 2019

The Almond Board Of California June Position Report

DEMAND:  U.S. (up 0.5% YTD) was down 8.2% Exports (down 0.1% YTD) were up 5.4% Western Europe +6.5% (-3% YTD) This region continued to play catch up and were active buyers in recent months. China/HK/Vietnam +112% (-18% YTD) May shipments from Australia were 11.7 million lbs. vs. 0.6 a year ago.  It still appears imports are just shifting […]

Published: 15th July 2019

Walnut Market and Crop Update - June 2019

Market  Markets have been relatively quiet since Chile has started to ship in the Spring.  Chile is relatively sold out, much more sold then this time last year. In California most inventory is also sold out as well.  The market overall seems pretty tight on inventory except for a few items, but the Californian Walnut […]

Published: 12th July 2019


Reports from the plamyards across all southern provinces show indications that the upcoming crop of 2019 will not reflect the same as the previous year’s crop, which was a high yield crop year for Sayer Dates growers. These affects have been down to the heavy rainfalls during the insemination period of the Palm trees, meaning […]

Published: 10th July 2019