New Californian Walnut Crop

New Californian Walnut crop is predicted to arrive both later and shorter than expected. There are reports from orchards that suggest the early varieties are down significantly compared to last year. Chandler variety crop represents about 60% of the total California walnut crop. This is expected to be received shortly and in turn should help […]

Published: 14th October 2019

Almond Position Report

Almond September shipment figures have been released, to many people’s surprise, figures showed increases of 16.2% at 196.24 mm lbs With a shortage acknowledged coming into new crop, most markets were in desperate need of replacement inventory.  As a result, September shipments and sales displayed drastic improvements over last year and last month’s figures. In […]

Published: 14th October 2019

Turkish Hazelnut Market Update

The overall assumption is the local market in Turkey remains firm. TMO and 'private' markets are both willing to buy and are absorbing the available volumes. Italy is a very active buyer at present due to their own crop being short. This further increases the demand for Turkish material. Considering the above, the Turkish hazelnut […]

Published: 11th October 2019

Hazelnut Market Report

Demand: Export: 625-650,000 mt (Exports will be boosted by lack of Italian Hazels, relative competitiveness of the Turkish market vs Caucasus, and the wish for major users to take long cover). Domestic Demand: 100,000 mt TMO/FKB: 100,000 mt in shell (So far, they’ve collected 70/75,000 mt and booked 150/160,000 mt) Today we see the market […]

Published: 4th October 2019

First New Crop Sultana & Currant Shipments On The Way

Shipments of Turkish sultanas are underway and expected to land in the UK at the end of this month. There is an exceptionally high demand for new material due to the temporary shortage of unsold raw material in the UK. The harvest in Turkey is ongoing despite some reports of intermittent rainfall, although has not […]

Published: 24th September 2019

Walnut Market Report September 2019

Across the board 2018 Indian walnut crop is almost sold out, meaning shortly we will be getting into the coming crop with negligible stocks both with farmers and exporters. First arrivals of new crop are expected around the last week of September 2019.Shaking news has come in with regards to 2019 crop. Very cold weather […]

Published: 12th September 2019

Turkish Apricot Update September 2019

Exports in August were 6,411 tons, compared to 7,546 tons last year Average price for diced apricots was $2262, average price for whole apricots was $2720 The First shipment of new crop is in, although slightly below expectations. This can probably be due to Turkeys national holidays that occurred in the middle of August meaning some […]

Published: 11th September 2019

Turkish Vine Fruit Update

Last week our procurement and technical team spent a number of days visiting our suppliers of Raisins & Sultanas in Turkey to discuss and view the very beginning of 2019 harvest. Having visited some of the same vineyards as last year it’s clear that the quality of this crop will be better than last year […]

Published: 28th August 2019

Almond Board July shipments

The California Almond Board has released the July Almond Shipment Report with RECORD JULY SHIPMENTS of +154.1 million pounds compared to 143.8 million pounds last year for an increase of +7.2 percent. DOMESTIC         62.87 million pounds     +4.9% EXPORT              91.32 million pounds     +8.9% 2018 CROP YEAR TO DATE SHIPMENTS:  The final shipment data for the 2018 […]

Published: 15th August 2019

Walnuts July shipment report

The California Walnut Board released the July shipment report on Friday. Total shipments were 27,532 tons, up 3% from last June shipments of 26,739 tons. Domestic shipments were up 11.49% and exports were down 10.57%. Domestic shipments YTD are 223,591 tons, up 15.49% and exports YTD totals 425,903 tons, up 6.64%. Total YTD shipments are now […]

Published: 15th August 2019