South African Vine Fruit; Thompson's & Currants

The crop in Vredendal will be severely affected by drought as some producers are running out of water before harvest time. This is really unfortunate as the crop would have been better than last year if water supply was not a limiting factor. The currants crop may be down by 25-40% vs last year and the […]

Published: 17th January 2018

Walnut crop December 2017 shipment report & market update

The December 2017 shipments versus the December 2016 shipments on an in-shell equivalent were very similar.  67, 363 In-shell tons versus 67, 701 last year.   The current receipts for the Walnut crop are at 614,979 tons.   The crop will be slightly higher than what the market had been expecting and lower than the Crop Estimate of […]

Published: 17th January 2018

Pecan Market Update - January 2018

The North American Pecan supply is currently projected as follows: Projected US crop: 280 million lbs (in shell) Projected Mexican crop imports: 90 milion lbs (in shell) Projected 2016 / 2017 crop carry in: 129 million lbs (in shell) The crop quality appears to be predominately good despite earlier concerns with weather issues and storm […]

Published: 16th January 2018

December 2017 Almond Position Report Summary

The Almond Board of California has released the December shipment report with shipments of + 204.5 million pounds compared to last year at  156.2 million pounds for an increase of  +30.9 percent.  The industry had been expecting a record shipment number for December. Domestic     + 7.7% Exports         +41.6% YEAR TO DATE SHIPMENTS:  + 1.038 […]

Published: 12th January 2018

Sultanas & Raisins Market Report

The end of 2017 saw a very stable market in Turkey for Sultanas and a slowly but surely increasing market for Raisins. Pricing at the end of the December for STD 9 Sultanas was around the $1400 to $1475 per metric ton FOB Izmir with Thompson Select Raisins trading at anywhere from $2100 up to […]

Published: 9th January 2018

Chinese Pumpkin & Sunflower

We would like to share the market report as follow: Chinese pumpkin shineskin, remains predominately at a similar and stable level. Chinese new year will coming soon, and roasters still mostly demand GWS, the price of shineskin may come down slightly, but because shine skin price is competitive, and GWS price follows, generally it's still […]

Published: 5th January 2018

California Walnuts update

The walnut crop has come in around 45,000-50,000 tons short of the estimate of 650,000 tons. The crop had a higher percentage of dark kernel most likely come in around 620,000 tons, totalling about 9.6% down from last year’s crop of 686,000 tons. The crop was late by about 2 weeks this year causing a slow […]

Published: 3rd January 2018

Happy New Year

I hope that 2017 has been a successful year for you and your business, to all our customer, suppliers and partners alike, here is to a prosperous 2018!  We appreciate the time you have spent working with us!  Here’s to a happy and healthy 2018 for you and yours!

Published: 29th December 2017

Latest thoughts on Almond market

The large November shipment report bought a fair amount of excitement to the market. However, if the packers are able to maintain and hold last year’s overall sales, the carryout would be 471 million pounds. This remains a lot of product and if it does happen, it will have a negative impact on next year’s […]

Published: 21st December 2017

Turkish Vine Fruit Report

There is no significant change in the Turkish Sultanas & Raisin market. All raw material which is currently being bought to the bourse is being bought and we have seen some slow and small increases, but buyers and sellers are very calm. It is normal for December to have a slight dip in the market. After the second […]

Published: 20th December 2017