Turkish Vine Fruit Update

Latest export and registration statistics show that the Turkish sultana/raisin crop is fast becoming increasingly tight in terms of raw material supply from farmers to packers. From 1st September 2017 to 28th February 2018 registration on the bourse (the local trade authority) was 273,000 tonnes from a crop estimation of 310,000 tonnes, meaning that only […]

Published: 5th March 2018

Chinese pumpkin seed market

Exports from China has been slow over the last few weeks with not much activity, the domestic sales also are slow. 2018 has not started in the manor of which exporters would have hoped for. Demand from Europe is low as many importers and traders have enough stocks of the regular grades. The is also […]

Published: 2nd March 2018

South African Currants - potential berry count issue

The first batches out of new crop South African Currants are now arriving in the factories and being sampled. The berry count is affected and slightly higher then normal and could be even as small as up to 1600 berries per 100g. This is due to the drought which produced berries which are smaller or […]

Published: 28th February 2018

No decision on draft Regulation reducing MRLs for iprodione

At the Standing Committee on 26/27 February, the European Commission and Member States discussed a draft Regulation which will reduce MRLs for iprodione. Unfortunately, Member States couldn’t agree on the scope of the transitional period because there is a risk of high exposure of consumers to iprodione via certain crops – some crops may exceed […]

Published: 28th February 2018

Pecan market update

Throughout the first months of 2018 pecan prices have continue to decrease almost on a weekly basis reaching sub $6.00/lb levels. The steady flow of cheaper raw material filtering through to the packers has been the main driving factor of the softening pricing. Several processors were also in need to turn there material into cash […]

Published: 28th February 2018

Californian frost affecting almond orchards

The Frost in California has been severe.  Packers are suggesting that it has been the worst episode of cold weather the almond industry has experienced since 1995. Superficial damage has been showing on affected blossoms. The entire state’s growing areas were impacted.  In the past two decades, there has been small isolated areas receiving frost, […]

Published: 27th February 2018

Hot Cross Bun Crisis.........We don't think so

On Monday 26th February almost all national newspapers and the BBC ran stories regarding the shortage of Raisins & Currants creating an immediate shortage of Hot Cross Buns. Whilst it's true that California has suffered a huge decrease in the overall size and quality of 2017 Raisin crop when compared to 2016 it seems to […]

Published: 27th February 2018

Additional volumes of Turkish Hazelnuts available in the market...

TMO ( Turkish Grain Board) has announced yesterday evening that they are opening their stocks for sale. Giresun Variety  in shell hazelnuts; 12,50 TL / kg, Levant Variety    in shell hazelnuts; 11,50 TL / kg, Pointed Variety  in shell hazelnuts; 10,50 TL / kg, These prices are 15 % higher than current running prices in […]

Published: 23rd February 2018

Drought in Argentina

We have been made aware by our partner supplier of Popcorn in Argentina that there has been a drought in the growing region. A newspaper article titled 'A campaign at its limits'. published in LA NATION on 10th February 2018, confirms the huge drought taking place in Argentina. As a consequence, all corn crops will […]

Published: 23rd February 2018

2018 Chilean Prune crop progressions

The 2018 Chilean prune crop is forecast at 80-85 thousand MT. The estimated carry over from last crop should be around 10 thousand MT. The 2018 prune crop has shown optimal state across the season. Beneficial conditions prevailed throughout the winter with many chilling hours, during spring the bloom was massive and growers expect a […]

Published: 12th February 2018