California Prune Market Report - June 2023

Overview The California prune market is expected to remain tight in the 2023 crop year, with an estimated 75,000 short tons (68,000 MT) in volume. This is due to a combination of factors, including favorable weather during the bloom season, good fruit set, and a return to typical crop years in South America and France. […]

Published: 14th June 2023

Italian Mixed Peel Market Report

Market Overview The Italian mixed peel market is expected to experience a decline in the coming year due to a number of factors, including a lack of pickers, low pay, and better prices in the fresh market. Lack of Pickers The Italian mixed peel market is heavily reliant on manual labor for harvesting. However, there […]

Published: 13th June 2023

Chelmer Foods Seeds Market Outlook, 09.06.2023

Download - Chelmer Foods Seeds Newsletter 09.06.2023
Published: 9th June 2023

Pecan Nuts Market Update, June 2023

Current Market Conditions Demand has been consistent in the pecan market over the last month. Multiple large volume buyers have yet to fully cover positions for 2023, which is keeping prices stable. Inventory levels are at their lowest levels since 2012, when pecans were trading above $7.00/lb. The following inshell raw material remains open in […]

Published: 8th June 2023

Turkish Vineyards observation report, 5th June 2023

The vineyards have made significant progress during the month of May. Shoots have developed from the buds that awakened in early spring, and the clusters resembling tiny buttons have become visible. The vineyards are currently in the delicate period of flowering, where the flowers will soon develop into berries. This phase is crucial for the […]

Published: 5th June 2023

Chelmer Foods Pulses Market Update, 02.06.2023


Published: 2nd June 2023

Desiccated Coconut Market Update

After a period of slow demand, origins in Indonesia and the Philippines are experiencing a resurgence of demand from various markets. This renewed demand has led to mills in Indonesia being mostly sold out for June positions, with July positions also expected to be sold out soon. Similarly, mills in the Philippines are close to […]

Published: 2nd June 2023

Macadamia Nuts, Market update

Macadamia supply is increasing significantly in traditional origins (such as South Africa, Australia, Kenya, Brazil) as Trees come to fruition. Additionally China ( a major consumer) is also now producing its own crop in volumes similar to South Africa and Australia. In recent years Inshell macadamias have been sold heavily into China but the Pandemic […]

Published: 1st June 2023

Hazelnuts: more than just a typo

Mundus Agri.  News from Turkey is devastating. Not only did president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan win Sunday’s runoff with a 52% majority, but last week’s International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Congress in London came as a wakeup call for hazelnuts.   Excessive carry-in stocks Trouble is not so much that the INC had to revise […]

Published: 31st May 2023

Seed Market Outlook 26.05.2023

  Download - Seeds Newsletter 26.05.2023
Published: 30th May 2023