Cashew Market Report, 26.06.2023

Global Production Global cashew production has risen steadily over the past decade, peaking in 2022/23 at 1,095,030 MT (kernel basis) or 5 million tons of raw cashew nuts (RCN). Côte d'Ivoire remained the world's and western Africa's largest producing country, with a crop of 247,000/1.2 million MT (kernel basis /RCN). India produced 162,000/675,000 MT, followed […]

Published: 26th June 2023

Pistachios, Market Update 26.06.2023

Exports Save the Day US pistachio exports are on the rise, with shipments to Turkey more than doubling and India tripling. Year-to-date exports have reached 501 million pounds, which is 18% up on last year's 423 million pounds. China remains the most important export destination for US pistachios, followed by Turkey and Germany. However, shipments […]

Published: 26th June 2023

Seeds market Outlook 22.06.2023

Download - Seeds Newsletter 09.06.2023    
Published: 23rd June 2023

Glace Cherries Market Update 22.06.2023

The cherry market is facing a major crisis in Europe, due to the extreme weather conditions in the past few months. The harvest in Eastern Europe has been reduced by 40-50%, and in Spain by 80%. This is leading to a very low supply of cherries on the market, and prices are expected to rise […]

Published: 22nd June 2023

Turkish Apricot Market Update 19/06/2023

After the Malatya City Governor Hulusi Şahin announced on June 16, 2023 that the estimated dried apricot harvest for 2023 is 77,170 tons, our supplier Agrimax (Dogancan) spent the last few days touring the growing regions in and around Malatya, and the key points we observed are as follows: The 2023 apricot crop in Malatya […]

Published: 19th June 2023

Desiccated Coconut Market Update

The desiccated coconut market is currently in a state of flux. Demand has been good, and most producers are sold out through July. Farmers are still easily able to sell their nuts to the highest bidder. Indonesian coconut prices have remained around the same level for some weeks now. Philippine prices have not moved a […]

Published: 19th June 2023

US Walnuts, Crop Crop Report

Overview The walnut market is currently in a state of flux. There is a lot of uncertainty about the size of the California crop, and this is making it difficult to predict prices. Some packers are offering prices for new crop, but these prices are purely speculative and could backfire.   Crop Size The California […]

Published: 19th June 2023

Pulses Market Outlook, 16.06.2023


Published: 16th June 2023

Turkish Dried Apricots, Market Update

The apricot market in Malatya has stabilized after a period of uncertainty due to the earthquake, frost, heavy rains, and hail that damaged the crop. Raw material prices have increased by 40% since January 2023, and availability is extremely tight. The new crop is expected to be small, so we are advising customers to cover […]

Published: 16th June 2023

North American Cranberry Market and Harvest Update, June 2023

Quebec: After a landmark harvest season in 2022, yields are expected to drop significantly in 2023. This is due to a combination of factors, including the cold weather that has affected the province since the end of winter, as well as the need for the plant to replenish its reserves after a bountiful harvest. Wisconsin: Producers in […]

Published: 14th June 2023