Turkish Apricot, Market Update 11/07/2023

Harvest of 2023 crop starts (Dogancan)    Exports in June were 4,296 tons compared to 4,367 tons last year   Year to date exports are 77,330 tons compared to 78,966 tons last year Exports for the year are likely to pass 80,000 tons, leaving 5,000 10,000 tons of carryover. Average prices for 2022 crop are 16.5% higher […]

Published: 13th July 2023

Dried mulberries, Market Update

Market Overview The start of the Turkish mulberry season has been delayed by several weeks this year due to cool temperatures. The yield is expected to be similar to 2022, but prices are significantly higher. (Mundus Agri) Causes of Delay The cool and rainy weather in the growing areas has caused the start of the […]

Published: 11th July 2023

Seeds Market outlook 07.07.2023

Food and non-alcoholic beverage prices in the UK rose by 18.4% in the year to May 2023, down from 19.1% in the year to April 2023. This is the second consecutive month of decline, and it is a sign that the peak of food price inflation may have passed. It is important to note that […]

Published: 10th July 2023

Quinoa Market Update, South America 2023

Summary The 2023 quinoa crop in Peru is smaller than expected due to an earlier drought. This has led to a higher percentage of defects and impurities, which is making processing more expensive. Bolivia is also reporting a smaller crop, but growers are keeping some of their stock in anticipation of a firmer market.   […]

Published: 7th July 2023

Cranberries, Market and Harvest Situation, 2023

Quebec: Quebec experienced a landmark harvest season in the fall of 2022, but yields are expected to drop significantly in 2023. This is due to the cold weather that affected the province since the end of winter, which led to a lower quantity of buds in the fields.   Wisconsin: Wisconsin is also facing some […]

Published: 6th July 2023

2023 Wild Blueberry Pre-crop Outlook

The 2023 wild blueberry harvest is expected to be average, or even good for some producing regions. The instability of the weather system does not allow us to guarantee as large a harvest as last year. However, we can ensure a healthy transition with the inventories we maintain on hand. Spring The spring season for […]

Published: 5th July 2023

Californian Almond, Crop Report, July 2023

Weather: Mild conditions dominated the weather in the Central Valley during nearly the entire month of June. Daily maximum temperatures were widely reported between the mid-70's and mid-90's in all growing areas, as much as 10 degrees below seasonal norms. Morning lows were also reported as rather cool levels, ranging from the mid-40's to mid-50's […]

Published: 5th July 2023

Pulses Market Outlook, 30.06.2023


Published: 30th June 2023

Turkish Vine Fruit, Market Report

Raw Material (Pagmat) 2022 crop registration of raw materials at the bourse reached 323thd MT as of the end of May 2023 which is 11% higher than the previous crop's 260thd MT of the same period. Registered volume has already exceeded 2022's unofficial crop estimation of 320thd tons due to 3 TMO's (Turkish Grain Board} […]

Published: 29th June 2023

Market Report for Banana Chips from the Philippines

Supply The supply of green bananas in the Philippines is improving slightly, but it is not yet at normal levels. This is due to previous rains in some parts of the country, which have damaged banana crops. As a result, export prices for banana chips are expected to soften slightly in August. Demand The demand […]

Published: 28th June 2023