Chinese Walnut Crop and Market Report
At the China International Tree Nut Conference held in zhuhai, China from 1 – 3, August, the subjective Walnut Crop estimate this year has been set by the Representing Councils at an estimate of 830,000 metric tonnes.
Representatives from the regions of Yunnan, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, Gamsu, Henan and Shaanxi have reported the crop is similar to the figure of final receipt last year which was 840,000 metric tonnes.
A short crop of 30-70% is reported from Hebei, Henan, Gansu, Shaanxi and Shanxi due to widespread frost/snow in those regions, where the crop fails 30% in Hebei, 50% in Shaanxi/Gansu/Henan and 70% in Shanxi respectively.
The reassuring news is from two top origins, Xinjiang and Yunnan, who expect above average crop, accounting for over 60% of the total in China so far, for which we need to conduct further crop survey for these vast and remote regions.
- Larger than normal carry over and inactive demand worldwide have resulted in market declining at the end of the season.
- The world trade war has put the nut industry in great disorder, causing heavy impact on the normal trade.
- The sale of green hull walnut has commenced in some regions, but the full harvest will start end August/early Sept.
It is expected that pricing for new crop might be even lower than last year in order to follow the competition