Felixstowe Port - Strike Action Update
Following recent Discussions between the Port of Felixstowe and
the Unite Union regarding the potential strike by its members, it
appears that industrial action is going to take place between 21st
to 29th of August 2022.
Contingency planning is underway to minimise the impact upon
our customers, but this will be limited given the lead times to
getting product to the UK from various origins worldwide. A large
proportion of stock is already afloat and presently heading
towards the UK, with Felixstowe being the largest port a vast
majority will be destined for it .
Shipping lines are already diverting vessels to alternative ports in
England and Europe, but all ports are already congested so there
is no simple or easy resolution if the strike does proceed.
As large stockholders of most products we will endeavour to
ensure that supply s continuous throughout, but we would
appreciate your under standing if there are any issues and look
forward to working together to resolve as best as we can.